The kneecap (Patella), at birth is a combination of two separate bones which eventually fuse at birth to become a single unit. Bipartite Patella is a congenital knee condition where these two bones in the knee cap don’t fuse. It is a rare condition that affects only 1-2% of the population and is often only noticed in radiographs until the symptoms show up.
What are the symptoms of Bipartite Patella?
“Bipartite Patella doesn’t usually cause any symptom. Most people don’t even identify this condition until they have had an MRI or X-ray for some other condition”, says Dr Niraj Vora, knee specialist and an expert in Bipartite Patella treatment in Mumbai.
However, symptoms do show up during sports or in the case of kneecap injury. This injury or repeated knee activity can aggravate and inflame the tissue that is connecting two bones which results in the following symptoms:
- Kneecap tenderness
- Pain while extending the knee
- Swelling and mild pain around the knee cap
- An indication of the bony ridge near the outer edge of the kneecap.
- Pain in the front of the knee while squatting.
So what causes Bipartite Patella Condition?
Bipartite Patella is a congenital condition where the knee cap fails to form optimally in childhood itself. When a baby is born, the kneecap is made up of only cartilage with blood vessels around. The cartilage turns into bone as the baby grows and by the age of 10 it becomes a single strong knee cap. However in a few cases, the bones don’t fuse, and the exact cause that triggers this condition is not known.
The extent of this bone fusing may differ so does the location of a bone fragment from individual to individual. Hence this condition has been classified into three types:
Type 1: The bone fragment tends to be at the bottom portion of the patella. The incidence of this type of BPC is 5%.
Type 2: The bone fragment tends to be at the outer (later) part of the patella. It is more common than type-1 BPC and its incidence is 20%.
Type 3: The bone fragment is located at the upper-outer portion of the patella. Type-3 BPC is the most common BPC with a 75% incidence, according to a knee replacement surgeon in Mumbai, Dr Niraj Vora.
Treatment for Bipartite Patella Condition:
Initially, Bipartite Patella Condition is managed by knee specialists with Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation therapy. Physical therapy, Knee exercises, steroid injections, and medications are no-surgical treatment options that are resorted by knee specialists to treat the Bipartite Patella condition. Only when these non-surgical treatment options fail surgical options like Open Excision, Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF), and Lateral Release used by knee specialists and knee replacement surgeons in Hyderabad to treat the Bipartite Patella Condition.
Dr Niraj Vora is the best knee specialist in Mumbai with excellent track record in treating Bipartite Patella conditions with both non-surgical and surgical treatment options. If you are in Mumbai and are looking for more information about Bipartite Patella Condition or its treatment options, you can contact him here: @Call: +91-22-6686 8600