Hip replacement surgeon

Anterolateral Mini-incision Hip Replacement Surgery

One of the great developments in orthopedic surgery is the anterolateral mini-incision hip replacement technique. This minimally invasive approach helps transform the way hip replacements are performed. Anterolateral mini-incision hip replacement surgery offers less pain, manages scars, and influences better recovery time. Whether you are considering hip replacement surgery in Mumbai or just curious about […]

Traditional Hip Replacement Surgery in Mumbai

Joint pain can be a real burden for older adults, and hip pain is often the hardest to bear. As a primary weight-bearing joint in the human body, the hip is essential for nearly every movement, so when it’s injured or damaged, it can drastically reduce the quality of life, especially in older adults. Constant […]

Hip Stress Fractures: Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment

Hip stress fractures are a relatively common yet often overlooked injury, particularly among athletes and individuals engaged in repetitive high-impact activities. Understanding the symptoms, proper diagnosis, and effective treatment options for hip stress fractures is crucial for both prevention and recovery. Symptoms of Hip Stress Fractures Hip stress fracture symptoms can manifest in various ways, […]

Prehabilitation for Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery is an innovative treatment that can eliminate pain, restore mobility, and even improve the quality of life for those with hip joint disorders. Even though postoperative rehabilitation is often highlighted, rehabilitative principles are gaining attention as a helpful tool for better patient outcomes. Prehabilitation refers to preparing the individuals physically and psychologically […]

Subtrochanteric Hip Fractures Treatment

Subtrochanteric fractures are the most painful and challenging hip fractures patients across all ages suffer. Though rare and account for only 10% of cases, they can be a nightmare for people suffering from potential complications, less propensity to heal, and a long recovery road. These agonizing fractures can happen due to both high-energy and low-energy […]

How Common Is Bilateral Hip Replacement Surgery?

Bilateral Hip replacement surgery also referred to as double Hip replacement surgery is a surgical intervention that involves the replacement of both hip joints with prosthetic implants. This procedure is commonly recommended for patients who suffer from severe arthritis or other joint conditions that result in pain, stiffness, and difficulty in movement. Although the surgery […]

Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy for Hip Dysplasia

Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy, also called Ganz Osteotomy is a challenging orthopaedic procedure performed in cases of hip dysplasia which is one of the most common hip disorders. What is hip dysplasia and how is Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy performed to treat this disorder? With the inputs from the top hip replacement surgeon in Mumbai, Dr Niraj […]

Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head Treatment

In this article, we will take a closer look at the treatment for the avascular necrosis of the femoral head. If you approach your doctor with a complaint of joint pain and reduced mobility, they will press your joints and check for tenderness in different positions. They will also conduct imaging tests like X- rays, […]

Hip Replacement Surgery Before and After

Any surgery requires a lot of steps to be followed before and after it is carried out. There are a lot of precautions, diligence, and rules that need to be followed in order to get the optimum result from the surgery. One of the most commonly carried out surgeries is hip replacement surgery. It is […]

What is Hip Osteoarthritis? What are its Symptoms & Treatment Options?

Hip arthritis is the second most common form of osteoarthritis experienced by older adults around the world. Being a progressing disorder, osteoarthritis gradually worsens over time, slowly damaging the hip joint resulting in the stiff and painful hip. What Is Osteoarthritis and How Does It Affect the Hip? Osteoarthritis is a degenerate bone condition that […]