Knee Joint Capsule Injury Treatment in Mumbai | Dr Niraj Vora

Knee Joint Capsule Injury Treatment in Mumbai

The knee joint is a fundamental and one of the most complex joints in the human body. It is a hinge joint and is carefully protected by outer layers and inner structures. One of the most robust joints in the human body, any excessive abnormal force can create problems for this joint capsule, which linger and worsen until it is resolved.

Despite suffering pain after an injury to the knee capsule, many people suffer in silence, hoping it will go away. However, as the knee joint absorbs most of the body’s stress, knee problems won’t disappear unless treated. “In most cases, the injury remains inside, leading to chronic pain that doesn’t go away. In rare cases, the stress on the injured knee may cause further complications like meniscus damage, ligament damage, stiffness, or even osteoarthritis,” says top knee surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Niraj Vora.

Many people fear surgery and stay away from treatment. However, in reality, most knee capsule injuries can be treated with non-surgical approaches, and only a few will need surgeries, adds Dr. Niraj Vora.

In this blog, let us look at the symptoms of knee capsule injury, its causes, and the treatment options available today. But first, let us start with understanding the knee capsule:

Understanding the Knee Capsule:

The knee capsule is made of two layers: an outer layer composed of tough ligament tissues and an inner layer made of synovial membrane. The outer layer is a tough ligamentous layer that provides stability by holding together the bones of the knee joint (femur, tibia, and fibula). This outer layer also contains receptors that help the body sense the position and movement of the knee joint for better balance and coordination.

The inner layer is made up of synovial membrane that secretes synovial fluid, a thick lubricant that reduces friction between bones and cartilage inside the knee joint. Together, these two layers work to allow the knee to have flexion, or bending motion.

Knee Joint Capsule Injury: Cause and Symptoms

Overstretching or tearing of outer ligament layers or micro tears of capsule fibers are common causes of knee joint capsule injury. Hypertension and external rotation are the reasons for such injuries.

A knee joint capsule injury can occur due to direct blows to the knee from collisions, falls, and direct hits, as well as other kinds of trauma, hyperextensions, and twisting motions of the knee. This type of injury can also result from repetitive stress caused by running or jumping with incorrect form over long periods.

When an injury to the knee joint capsule occurs, it usually begins with sharp or achy pain and swelling, followed by stiffness and locking. Other symptoms include decreased range of motion, instability, tenderness of the joint, and difficulty bending or straightening the knee.

Knee Joint Capsule Injury Treatment:

The treatment for knee capsule injury depends on the severity and type of injury suffered. In general, there are surgical and non-surgical treatment approaches available, which are as follows:

Non-Surgical Knee Joint Capsule Injury Treatment:

RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) is the conservative treatment option commonly used for mild knee capsule injuries. This is often followed by NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) and physical therapy to alleviate inflammation and restore strength, mobility, flexibility, and stability of the knee.

Surgical Knee Joint Capsule Injury Treatment:

In cases where these non-surgical approaches fail to provide adequate relief, surgery is recommended. In most cases, only severe injuries will need surgical intervention to repair and restore joint function. Mild and moderate knee capsule injury cases can often be managed effectively with non-surgical approaches.

“Early diagnosis, diligent rehabilitation programs, and prevention of re-injury are three factors that play a key role in early and faster recovery,” says best knee surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Niraj Vora. If you are looking for knee pain treatment in Mumbai, you can contact him here: +91-22-6836 0000, +91-22-6686 8600

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